Simple Moving Average (SMA)

get_sma(quotes, lookback_periods, candle_part=CandlePart.CLOSE)


name type notes
quotes Iterable[Quote] Iterable of the Quote class or its sub-class.
See here for usage with pandas.DataFrame
lookback_periods int Number of periods (N) in the lookback window. Must be greater than 0.
candle_part CandlePart, default CandlePart.CLOSE Specify candle part to evaluate. See CandlePart options below.

Historical quotes requirements

You must have at least N periods of quotes to cover the warmup periods.

quotes is an Iterable[Quote] collection of historical price quotes. It should have a consistent frequency (day, hour, minute, etc). See the Guide for more information.

CandlePart options

from stock_indicators.indicators.common.enums import CandlePart
type description
CandlePart.OPEN open price
CandlePart.HIGH high price
CandlePart.LOW low price
CandlePart.CLOSE close price
CandlePart.VOLUME volume
CandlePart.HL2 (high+low)/2
CandlePart.HLC3 (high+low+close)/3
CandlePart.OC2 (open+close)/2
CandlePart.OHL3 (open+high+low)/3
CandlePart.OHLC4 (open+high+low+close)/4




name type notes
date datetime Date
sma float, Optional Simple moving average


See Utilities and Helpers for more information.


from stock_indicators import indicators
from stock_indicators import CandlePart     # Short path, version >= 0.8.1

# This method is NOT a part of the library.
quotes = get_historical_quotes("SPY")

# calculate 20-period SMA
results = indicators.get_sma(quotes, 20, CandlePart.CLOSE)

Extended analysis

This indicator has an extended version with more analysis.

get_sma_analysis(quotes, lookback_periods)

Return with analysis



name type notes
date datetime Date
sma float, Optional Simple moving average
mad float, Optional Mean absolute deviation
mse float, Optional Mean square error
mape float, Optional Mean absolute percentage error

Example for analysis

# usage
results = indicators.get_sma_analysis(quotes, lookback_periods)

About Simple Moving Average (SMA)

Simple Moving Average is the average price over a lookback window. The extended analysis option includes mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean square error (MSE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). [Discuss] 💬

